Hi, I'm Yasuyo and I come from Nara, Japan. I grew up in a close-knit family and learned many traditional meals from my grandmother, mother, and aunties. We shared many seasonal celebration meals and had lots of laughter and fun. During those days, I learned the most important life values from my grandmother.

As a child, I enjoyed cooking with my grandmother. We cooked delicious meals and sweets together, and spent quality time in the kitchen. Whenever I cooked with her, I didn't have to worry or think too much, but just enjoyed the moments and felt deep happiness. What I learned from my grandmother was to focus on these moments, not to worry but to enjoy them, and that life is going to be okay. The memories of those moments help me keep going.

These days, sometimes I feel so much pressure, worry, and overwhelm about my daily life. When I feel that way, I take a deep breath in my kitchen and cook our family recipes. I start thinking about the people that I care about while cooking, and it helps me feel relaxed. Cooking helps me to center myself and reminds me of the valuable things in my life.

To me, cooking allows me to be who I am and gives me a chance to listen to my own voice, which can sometimes be easy to ignore. Cooking also helps me facilitate getting to know others and finding good things about them. I love the sounds of our communication in the kitchen, just chirping like sparrows!

I have taught Japanese cooking classes face to face, online from our home kitchen, cafes, and community centers in Japan. When I was a student in the USA, I taught bento and sushi classes for several years. I love the power of cooking anywhere I go, and I will continue to share it.

Yasuyo Hata Winslow

BS in Conservation Biology

Registered Nurse in the U.S.A and Japan

MS in Researching Grief Care Support Systems

Currently teaching Gerontology, International Nursing and Medical English
